The Minimum/Maximum Quantities extension for WooCommerce allows you to define minimum and maximum allowable product quantities per product, order or variation. It also lets you define a group quantity if your product must be bought in groups of x.
Here you will find the main features of Plugin.
- Easy to customize, setup and use.
- Set a minimum and maximum quantity required to checkout.
- Set a minimum and maximum cost (of cart items) required to checkout.
- Define groups of order quantity. Total order quantity must be multiple of X
- Exclude product from rules.
- Group of features(e.g. You must purchase in group of X).
- Support minimum and maximum rules on variation level also.
- Support Group of option on Category level also.
Installation of Plugin
- The installation of the plugin is just like any other plugin installation for WordPress. Login to your WordPress site and go to Plugins > Add New.
- At the Install Plugins Page click on Upload from the top navigation and then click on browse.
Go to the location on your computer where you saved the downloaded plugin zip file and upload this zipped file.
Make sure to choose proper zip. You can download plugin zip from "Installable WordPress file only" option as shown in below screenshot
- Now click on Install Now.
- Wait until WordPress has uploaded the file. If it's done click on Activate Plugin.
- Now you should see a message 'Plugin activated' at the top of the window.
Order-level Rules
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Minimum/Maximum Quantities.
All settings are optional and should be numeric values.
Minimum order quantity
Customer must purchase no less than this quantity of items to checkout.
Maximum order quantity
Customer must purchase no more than this quantity of items to checkout.
Minimum order value
Customer's cart contents must cost more than this amount.
Maximum order value
Customer's cart contents must cost less than this amount.
Minimum order items
Mimimum allowed number of items in an order.
Maximum order value
Maximum allowed number of items in an order.
Customers can make products exempt from these rules within their settings. See next Product-level Rules
Customizable Error Messages
Admin can customize add to cart, cart page and category level error messages.
Add to Cart Error Messages
Customize the error messages which will be display when product is added to cart.
Cart Page Error Messages
Customize the error messages which will be display on cart page.
Category Error Messages
Customize the error messages which will be display on cart page for Category rules.
You can use following shortcodes to customize error message
Product-level Rules
Like the order-level settings, these are all optional.
Minimum quantity
Customer must purchase more than this amount.
Maximum quantity
Customer must purchase less or equal to this amount.
Group of…
Customer must purchase a multiple of this amount.
Order rules: Do not count
Exclude orders from the counts of the above per-order rules.
Order rules: Exclude
Exclude from the per-order rules entirely.
Category rules
Exclude from category group-of-quantity rules.
Variation-level Rules
Variations inherit the main product settings (above), however you can also define them per variation. To enable the settings to appear per-variation, check the Min/Max Rules box.
Category-level Rules
If you go to Products > Categories and edit a category, you can set the group of option
This lets you set up rules, such as "Customers must buy products in X category in groups of X only."
What the customer sees
The extension modifies the frontend in the following ways:
- When adding items to the cart, if they have met the 'maximum' limits an error will be shown and the item not added to the cart.
- When using the quantity selectors on single product pages only, there will be a min, max, and step attribute added. Corrections are possible.
- When viewing the cart, errors will be shown if any rules are not met.
Compatible Plugins
There are following plugins compatible
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